How to Deploy

Coming Soon!

You can effortlessly deploy a new ASC-20 token by following a simple three-step process.

1. Enter the Tick of the token

There is no limit to the text length of tick and letters are case insensitive, but be careful not to use an already used tick.

If the deployed token tick is used, no ASC-20 token will be deployed even if the transaction is successful.

2. Enter the Total supply, Limit per mint and Maximum minting times

The default total supply of tokens is 21,000,000, the limit amount per mint is 1,000 and the maximum minting times for a single address is 10. All data can be modified before deployment.

3. Click "Deploy" and confirm the transaction

Connect your wallet and switch to AVAX chain. After confirming the information, click on "Deploy" button and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Once the transaction is successful, you can go to Token Details Page for minting.

Deployment and minting are valid according to the order of transactions on the chain.

Last updated